
Fall Report - 2018
Thursday, October 25, 2018 by Dr Harlan Betz


Dear Ministry Partners,

                Greetings my dear friends. I hit the ground running on September 7 and it seemed like I did not stop running until I was home late September 24. I taught 30 students 40 hours of classes at STEP Seminary, I preached to all 300 students at 8 chapels at STEP Seminary, and I preached 2 Sundays and led a marriage seminar at a Christian World Outreach church in Port au Prince, I taught a leadership seminar at Hope Rising Church in Leogane on a Saturday and preached there on a Sunday Morning.    

                You are making a difference in the lives of this next generation of leaders in Haiti.

Here is a note written to me by a young lady that was in my Pauline Epistles class:

                It is a pleasure for me to write you concerning the presentation of this course and the impact it made on my life. I realize that you really are a man of God and you are a true pastor. I learned very much from you in the way that you led this course and in the messages that you preached in chapel. I feel you submit to the Holy Spirit for He uses you. I feel that I have much transformation in me from the teaching of Historic Books 1 & 2 and from the teaching on the Epistles of Paul. May God continue to bless you for every day of this ministry and may God bless your family, and those who support you too. I love you. I say thank you for all these beautiful teachings. God bless you! Nahomie Baptiste

                Here is a note from a young man that was in my Pauline Epistles class:

                I cannot find the true words for me to say to you. How you teach us, like in Chapel, it touched me. And you made many things that are for me difficult to understand to become clear. You made a lot of practical changes in my life, in my family, and in my church. I saw in you the image of a true servant of God and a disciple of Jesus. I wish God would let me see you again and find a chance for you to teach us again. You are a God-blessed man. Thank you very very, very, very much.  Claude Bruly

                What a blessing for you and for me to be making such an impact on these young leaders in Haiti. By the way, I got about 28 more letters much like those two. I’ll share more later!

Thank you again for your love and prayers and support!

In His Love,


PS. A huge thank you to Houston’s FBC Cypress Campus children’s ministry for purchasing a new laptop, projector, screen, and portable sound system for STEP’s outreach to the Grand Ravine Gang kids! 

PPS. A big thank you to those who contributed $600 so far to go towards publishing Setting the Stage for Eternity in Haitian Creole. Now, I have to get the translated document formatted from 8.5”x11” to 5.5” x 8.5.”

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